Any words of wisdom for the talk tomorrow? I've been married for 21+ years. As a queer person, I would never feel comfortable being with someone biphobic or who is okay being friends with people who are biphobic. Suggest you stay away for a bit and do some thinking about what you want and whether its possible for her to mend this damage and that you can accept her behavior and forgive her. Second, your wife may have been shitface drunk when she blabbed your secret, but she should have refused to talk about it thereafter. Yes, I do think you need to talk to her about it - it's not something that's going to go away. Personally I think you handled as well as could be expected - what with confronting the issue right away and pulling consequences for her violating your very personal boundary/secret. You're married to the person who should MOST be on your side and she has completely betrayed you for a fucking laugh. Has anyone gone through anything similar? All you heard was a snippet of the conversation that you could loud and clear despite being in another room. Take some you time and work out where you are that's your starting point my man edit good luck. She maybe deserves the benefit of the doubt. I think that is a much worse betrayal, to laugh at him behind his back with these people he thinks are friends. Sometimes they aren't strong enough to defend it. How would she feel, how would she react, etc. She feels bad for being caught. People won't forget about it. Book an appointment with a therapist, maybe meet up with the one friend who called you, and after a couple of days reassess whether or not you want to try to make things work. Your wife betrayed your trust by sharing private details about your sexual preferences with other people. Couples therapy is a must, but it is on your wife to earn your trust back. I started putting a voice recorder in my wife's car after u caught her cheating. Well 1. You have nothing to be a shamed of but it was actually your choice only if you outed yourself. I believe you'll deal with this and adapt. People can be so two-faced with that kind of thing. Its not an easy solution. German Young Boy Seduce Big Tit Step-Mom to Lost Virgin 16:20. Kidding aside. Therapy is what you need. I think you should try to work this out. Let that sink in. I'm not sure how to help you, but your wife needs better friends. First let me say your SO is the fucking worst in my humble opinion. It may actually be useful separating your real friends from the judgemental ones. And the fact that you're now married and settled down with a woman means you probably have a preference for women overman anyways it's 2021 dude closet doesn't have a lot of people left in it and, needing it to still feel manly is the ultimate problem here. How long has she been friends with them? However you don't have to forgive and forget either; life isn't black and white. When the bi thing slipped, she should have told you. So she outed you, and joked with friends about fantasizing about other men during sex because of your sexuality? I was pooping and you helped me push from laughing so hard. I only started being a little open about it when I moved 3 states away from them and was dating a supportive partner. She didn't have your back and she put friendship with assholes over her partner in life. The fact she cares more about her homophobic friends opinions of her than her relationship with her partner says a lot. So my wife and one of her girlfriends were having a few glasses of wine, and while I was in my office I overheard a very awkward part of their conversation The other woman was complaining about her husband, quite openly, and specifically about the size of his penis. It sounds like you're discovering a side of your wife you didn't know about. He said his wife told him what happened and he wanted to let me know he doesnt give a shit about me being bi and thinks the while situation is fucked. Thirdly, those friends have got to GO. Let's give your wife the benefit of the doubt for a moment. As a female this reads as if it wasn't the first time it's been brought up and her friends knew it was safe to mention and joke about it. What a surprise, all her excuses completely absolve her! We have good jobs that the pandemic didnt effect too much. I am not open about my sexuality. Tom hasn't been relevant for seven years. The only reason you know of this disrespect is because you accidentally heard them saying stuff behind your back? Sounds like there needs to be an understanding formed between you guys and what is appropriate conversation with friends. Viktor Frankl Wasnt even going to bring it up to her or get upset she didnt tell me. I absolutely agree. Couples counselling may help as well. I mean, youre not wrong petty king/queen. Divorce her. Im so lost. I think it's too late for couples counseling. If she truly care about your feelings, she would not have put you down to make herself look and feel better. She seems like a good egg caught in a bad moment however. Hows everything going out there? she asked motioning to the garage smiling nervously. Does she really think they dont laugh at her for doing bi things with you behind her back as well? Don't minimize the situation and don't let anyone gaslight you into thinking you are overreacting or that this isn't divorce-level situation. MILF Teacher seduce to Fuck Anal by Young Boy 12:11. Take the space you need & honor your feelings. First of all, I think we all say less than admirable things about our SOs at times. Do not let anybody minimize this either. This is now twice that she has blabbed something intensely personal while intoxicatedthat you know about. This is what her and her friends did to you. Go out and do things during those days, don't wallow. She kept her bad friends 4. It very much is and if you let them gaslight you and suppress how you actually feel, you will feel a huge burden and trust issues for the rest of your life. i would like to add a partner should never ever make you feel ashamed or embarrassed about your sexuality. Also, people who have satisfying sex lives dont talk about it, just like people who have actual wealth dont have to tell you). Thats the shittiest advice you could give someone. Second, sure you might forgive her over time, but do not rush it. Also, if shes lying to you about this, I feel absolutely certain that are other things you dont know. 1. Fuck this situation. It seems she reserves honesty for her friends. We may discuss, ask for suggestions, etc., but we don't laugh about one of us outing someone (not that we'd care) and trashing their sex life. So how wonderful was their family while his wife is sharing secrets and laughing behind his back? Then the friend asked my wife if she had ever been tempted to cheat on me with (insert ex-boyfriend's name), to which my wife replied saying hell no, that she would never risk our marraige like that. Whether or not its just because she got caught, I dont know. Doesnt make it right. If you love her at your core, and want to work through it then work but it doesn't have to happen quickly or on any schedule. OP, be worried that you're married to someone willing to lie about how they feel about you to have a better image for their friend group. Do good anyway. She has been entertaining this for two years because she can't control her mouth when she's drinking. You are joke to your wife she have no respect for you at all. Plus she essentially participated or at the least validated, them ridiculing his sexuality. Let her know that if she wants to patch this up, its on her. My conjecture is that she did so because of the above reasons basically to seem cool. Fuck how you want to fuck. People knowing that hes bi will damage his reputation? They are what they are and they are very real. No. Hold on tight and never give up! If everything else is great, and she is genuinely remorseful, and willing to work on your relationship, I don't see why you should write off your life together. Also, the fact that she let her friends talk shit about him while she and OP are supposed to be in a happy marriage Damn, that says a lot. Wife talks shit to friends to be funny/gossip/have fun, and does not honor the trust that was placed in her. In this day and age? Your sexual relationship is basically the basis of trust in your relationship as a whole. We have a dog and some goldfish. But that's fucked You need to stand up for your person to your friends not play along. Because I think going three-for-three on instances of convenient bullshit is, well, bullshit. As in, never talk to them again. I'm sorry. she needs to stand by you and say that shes proud of you and supports you. Couples counseling could work but it may also not be necessary, you two could work on it together. Too many people on this app will read this and tell she can never be trusted again and you need to divorce. Here are some examples: I know you and I have different views on sexuality, but I love my husband and will not stand to hear him be talked about in this manner., My husband is not gay, please stop insinuating he is. subject change, Yeah, I dont think thats funny. (Or just not laughing and keeping a stone cold face until the others get uncomfortable), Thats actually not your business, lets talk about something else., I am uncomfortable talking about this, lets talk about something else., Your wife gave into the toxicity of her friends and that doesnt make her a better person for it even if she really doesnt think that way. She needs to know that what she did was hurtful and unacceptable, and you deserve an apology not only from her, but from her fucking idiot friends too. She doesnt respect you, man. She may actually not understand your bisexuality because its been something she said shes fine with but never actually confronted. And her dissing your sexual needs to her friends and I truly understand that it was very hurtful and disrespectful to you and your marriage. And if it was an accident, why did she give them details about what kinks you have? I have no advice but as a fellow bi, my condolences. Third, it is really nobody's business if you are Bi, and nobody should care about it anyway. Me: girls, get your better halves and get the fuck out of my house They all pop right up and walk past me. Im gonna get downvoted for this but I think you should hear it anyway OP. It's terrible. My phone was blowing up the whole time with calls and text from my wife and a few from our friends. Can you trust a person like that after all this? i think you do need to consider the idea that it probably was indeed just girl talk, same as when guys just chat shit together. What she did was so horrible. Of course she's only sorry she got caught but think about it, how many times they've been making fun of you from their girls night outs? Divorce. Rob the "state" of whatever you are going through of its power by giving it zero importance. She broke your trust, plain and simple. Best of luck. This crap has been swimming around for TWO FUCKING YEARS. They all laugh. If you feel this can be fixed, try couples counseling, but honestly I only see this ending one way. You are both going to be have to go to couples therapy and individual therapy sessions. Weirdly enough, weve never gotten any negative feedback from our closest friends. Ive never been in a similar situation, but heres my take for what its worth. This story isnt funny but that first line killed me. Girls can be katty and have fun taking diggs at each other (guys too but its a stereotypical thing with girls). Most of it was on alt accounts he made. Do you think she feels the same way about you?? If she had doubled down and defended herself and her friends, then that would be a break up situation imo. Mahatma Gandhi No true friend will stab you in the back. About number 2, she's lying and trying to back pedal. I'm getting angry just sitting here cause I've personally witnessed this so many times. So here is a truth I don't think many men/women/etc get: SO's talk. I don't think she is disinterested in the guy, but I will say I don't tolerate that kind of weakness. Do you love her more than anything? The third, least savoury issue: She may still have hidden feelings for Tom. Especially because the reason behind the "close call" was because OP is bi. Your wife betrayed your trust, and knowingly let her friends make homophobic comments. And I've faced this with my family-- I shut that crap down with a quickness. What girl no own ya sh*t. I would be scared to death to share those acts with her again. It's human nature. First off, sorry, if a man and woman are doing sexual things together, it isn't gay. Do not just nod your head and move on, demand that you be treated with respect and acknowledged as the great husband you are, not just some bi/gay sexually promiscuous dude who treats her nicer than Tom.. Divorce may be an end result. Hubby is under the bus & she's driving over him again & again unnecessarily! Perhaps individual first because youll have to process your own feelings before trying to work through things together. I told her to get a therapist to talk to about it but DO NOT TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT MY DICK essentially. You definitely have every right to be upset and angry, but I honestly feel like she is telling you the truth, and they were just unfortunately things you werent supposed to hear. How I interpret you feel: she betrayed your trust, she shared your private life, and then made fun of it. Back then I hadnt realize I was bi because I was a teen, and scared of being rejected by my family, but I knew I felt certain attraction towards girls. She said two of her friends are judgmental and believe youre either gay or straight and since I enjoy men (only sexually, not romantically) I must be gay. Your lifestyle is yours and no one has the right to question it, not even your family nor your friends for as long as nobody's put in harms way! Ugh. You can be pissed and hurt and angry for now and work on it. When people start talking about things that are intimate, sometimes they succumb to the pressure (not necessarily peer pressure in the "tell us, tell us sense, but more the pressure to feel bonded, to feel close to friends) to share things they shouldn't. You need to learn how to deal with being outed and your stupid wife needs to understand the true ramifications for you. And regarding the "I let it slip while drunk" part, she's still responsible for her acts while drunk. Nothing really, it's all been said, nothing can change it. Like it may have been rooted in some truth, but exaggerated and theatricated for like entertainment purposes. Keep sleeping on it, brother. i love him but he doesn't excite me the way Tom did. She just let it slip. If youre ever going to get past this, you should both be in therapy. Good luck. She not only outed him, but this obviously wasn't the first time they've discussed this. Soooo. If it were me, I would let her know that she needs to consider how this would be handled if the roles were reversed. Bisexuality is valid. From one bi to another, I'm sorry you had to go through this, it's a bisexual's nightmare scenario to hear your long-term partner say this kind of shit. If shes serious about your marriage shell reassess her friends group too. Smoked. This isn't your fault. THAT is a stand up friend. I wouldn't be able to think of anything else when having sex with her after hearing her criticize me. He said if i wanna get together for a drink or whatever to let him know. She hurt you fucking badly. Sounds like shes really sorry. If they outed me and mocked our sex life with their friends, I would never be able to be intimate with them again. I would be so freaking upset & sad. They are not good people (homophobes are not good people), and they don't give a shit about you or your relationship with her. At the beginning of the marriage endometriosis and disparei is, we spent almost an year without sex, I was always by her side, left the work early, never even thought about hookups or relief with other women. The world is bad enough with mean enough people, you dont need your team mate trash talking you too. It sucks. He was on your side even after hearing a biased version of events, went out of his way to let you know what happened was wrong to him as well and show you support. Your wife definitely violated your trust by sharing that information with her friends. I think the problem here is not your wife not loving you or your sex life -- it sounds like she loves you very much and enjoys y'all's sex life. She is reacting the right way to this, in that she's clearly upset and remoresful for her actions. We must feel sadness and despair to know joy, as frustrating as that might seem. I also pointed out that every single one of her relationships ended up being abusive so she had no right to tell me to leave my boyfriend when he'd never lay a finger on me. It was over something dumb, but she's fucking nuts and didn't want me to date anybody. That's plain shitty. That's a MASSIVE breach of trust and decency, while you want to make it about him snooping? Idc about bros before hoes or chicks before dicks nonsense, when someone insults your partner behind their back its your responsibility to stand up for them, not agree with them and contribute to the drunk girl talk. Theres PLENTY of ways to do this in both confrontational and non-confrontational ways. She violated a boundary. This is tough, because you're obviously going through it and I'm sorry you are hurt, very truly. OK she was drunk and your sexuality came out in a stupid moment. I'm conflicted because a lot of men talk about other women,wives,guys etc like that to seem tough and shit, but when a woman says it it makes it the end of the world? You can't act if you don't know how you feel. You are not overreacting. This issue has been going on and at each turn, she chose not to be honest with you. Reading this brought me back to heavy hearted times. Especially since it contradicted her actions so much. Once your sexual history was out in the open and left you vulnerable to her girlfriends judgements, she decided to join in and talk shit about it and mention that she thinks of other men while pleasuring you since it turns her off. She does have a right to talk to you about it, and you with her. I don't think this information should have been said. Dude, yeah. Your wife is a pretty disgusting person. Take care of yourself, and good luck. Thank you. Then she said he has a really cute small dick, but tries to please. And also refused to allow anyone to talk about it. As long as you are honest with yourself then it will all work out. Very much agree with this person right here. Bruuh this is too much for me I'm 52 yrs old, veteran, communications workers close to company retirement, whatever you do just enjoy life. I totally dont get why she would lie and say he begged for the gay stuff if she was wanting it. Wife: (my name) I dunno what your heard but its not what, Me: (wifes name) I know exactly what I heard.. I can give you the exact number of people's secrets I have revealed while drunk Is fucking zero. Relationship therapy, lots of work, regaining trust. Why does she feel the need to show off to her friends in a way that makes them think less of you? Get your better halves and get the fuck out of my house I sniped as I tipped my fedora and winked at my wifes hottest friend who was clearly impressed by my rage erection that had partially split the seam in my relaxed fit Levi 501s. Just want to say the other husband is a stand up guy. Ok. Take a few days away from everything. I'm just saying people can be stupid. That's only for me and my wife to know. It just seems like shes ashamed of it an projecting. It actually did make me feel a little better. After some begging I agreed to come home tomorrow and talk. You pave the way for us, and I appreciate you tons. She should have told you from the beginning that she let it slip and stood up for you to her friends. Im so sorry this happened. Second, if you know somebody is making fun of you over something so intimate and personal, how can you enjoy it again? If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Try marriage counseling and perhaps moving away for a new start. It's mainly drunk talk and a bit of peer pressure getting to your wife and she clearly regrets it We all make mistakes sometimes but this is how you grow as a couple! At the very least there's some trust work that will need to be done to rebuild some things. 1.) No shit. If that isn't true, she should dump the friends because no one should have to feel like they have to validate themselves in a relationship to those they trust. The simple fact of the matter is she shit talks you behind your back. Whats going to happen if your kids turn out to be not straight or not Cis? Personally I don't think it's bad enough to end a good relationship over but you should make it clear that trying to hide her mistake and belittling you to others to save her self from their scorn is both childish and cruel. She needs to take responsibility for it and how it made you feel. It won't repair the damage that's been done. I'm sorry. Only point I wanted to make: it doesnt have to be one or the other. Oh My God, seriously? She immediately started apologizing and saying she loves me and it was drunk girl talk and she didnt mean anything. I can also understand how this could be a blow to your confidence. How? Whats the point in being in relationship, in a marriage if you can't have ALL of trust, loyalty, and respect. Implying that OP's "flaw" as husband material is because he not 100% straight and slept with men is homophobic. I am so sorry this has happened to you. If she truly loves you she is going to beat herself up for a while. If she does it again then it's a bigger issue but i'm sure this will be a big learning moment for her and you will both be in a better place for it. So I became kind of a joke and was constantly approached by family and friends, which didnt contributed at all for my stress level. Their partners undoubtedly know about you. Unfortunately as long as there are homophobic people out there, there is potential to damage his reputation. How would she feel if she overheard this? Do you actually believe that she didn't have any agency? HER?! P.O Box 30080-00100,Nairobi, Kenya. Definitely think about whether or not this is a dealbreaker. When I was married my ex-wife I had a problem with erectile distinction for a few months, due to massive stress at work. And her dissing your sexual needs to her friends and I truly understand that it was very hurtful and disrespectful to you and your marriage. Yeah, I have a hunch that her apology is going to include counseling and new friends. I got in my car and drove to my moms house. That's so fucked man. But it's not cool to talk about your spouse like that to fit in and it's definitely not cool to talk about your intimate secrets with other people. you'd be shocked but how many wives/girlfriends go into detail about their sex lives with their friends. We had a group of our friends over and as the night went on we all kind of busted out into little groups. That would be the end for me. Allow yourself to feel all of your emotions and really process them before jumping into heavy discussion with her. I think forcing her to go no contact with certain friends is crossing a line in a relationship that can never be repaired. Same. Life works in a whelm of duality. There are many things that could be said or done that are definite "break up" situations, but this is not one of them. And as a low blow it is, it's an easy way out for a quick laugh among her judgemental friends. I don't have anything else to say about it besides the fact that we're both happy with our sex life.". Secondly, words mean nothing without action to back it up. Especially when there is alcohol involved. Also, she could have been honest and told him what happened at the bachelor party, but instead she kept it a secret. I don't know why you'd even give it a B-. I'm sorry you went through this. Thats so tough. Theres people that will truly respect you and love you the right way. Your wife was actively talking shit about you behind your back when she thought you werent listening. Well he's not open about being bi so I'm pretty sure he does care about it. Im healthy and fit, exercise frequently and eat well, so that kind excludes most physiological causes. But something you might ask her about. However you talk shit no doubt with your friends you would probably never want her to hearbwe can all be thoughtless assholes from time to time She chose you I'm not saying you overreacted must off been devastating to hear but it sounds like overall you guys have a good and loving relationship unless you are truly broken by this you need to talk and work out where you are now and whether this is repairable or not situation. How you deal with this will depend on how you two communicate about it. Ebony milf with big tits, shaking young boy's cock in rough modes 06:00. There was also probably some truth to her bedroom comments. If she isn't willing to do both of those things, then she is proving she doesn't value you enough, or is sorry enough for the damage she's caused, to be worth staying with. I think that you need a good week to try and think about how you feel, how you're going to be able to contain the gossip and how you move forward with the wife . Also you say you feel emasculated. Youd always be thinking if you can trust them enough to give them certain information about yourself. Listen, Ive been a shit-faced alcoholic in my early 20s. Created by your wife. We have been married for more than 10 years and have . I would be trembling with furious anger and wouldn't be able to face her with the same amount of trust for a long, long while after this incident. Don't rush the feels phase. Then, when I was in the bathroom (just outside of their bedroom door), I could hear them talking about me. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It seems like it doesnt bother your one guy friend all that much and maybe having it a little out in the open will be nice. My mom wasnt even home, I had forgotten she was on vacation. Prepare to be known as 'that guy who is really sensitive about his sexuality". Honestly the only advice I have is to go for that beer with your friend, he seems to be the only one in the situation treating you decently. This. Maybe suggest that. I mean if she can demean you in front of her friends there is absolutely no issue putting her in her place in front of them as well. And can think clearly. Be kind anyway. Doesn't matter if she means it or not. Just as all good things come to an end, so too do all the bad things. IDK what it's like to be bi and married but I am sure it present some special problems/concerns with you and your status in your social circle. Your marriage is between the two of you. Truly when you come to the realisation your partner has such a low view , I sympathise a lot with you dude. You dont need to have the talk tomorrow. I bet you can still hold your head high with them. Then go for it. This will help no matter what you decide. Good luck mate I hope you're able to get through this with no drama. 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